Single Subject Unpublished Case Study, Non Peer-Reviewed

Here is one restoration case study of interest. This is the child that appears in our case study here.

This child presented to me at age 9 with her mother, born with brain damage and epilepsy. Upper cervical spinal dysfunction was diagnosed using Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractic procedures, including this sagittal x ray. First Adjustment was performed with portable instrument whilst the child slept in a motel room due to extreme resistance due to cervical spine irritation.

The Atlas Orthogonal Technique was used to correct poor postural alignment of spine.


First image is presentation prior to any adjustment.











Subsequent x ray (on right) after about 6 adjustments shows good upright posture emerging. Patient was now receptive, compliant and enjoyed getting on the adjusting equipment herself. This picture was tainted with artifacts from a suspected foreign particle in the processor, so I performed one more adjustment on the upper neck, and performed the next re-x-ray.


This would indeed be considered as close to textbook normal as anyone could imagine. This was achieved purely with specific spinal adjusting and documentation of results. Symptomatically, the child improved also.

Lordosis (a normal forward neck curve) has been implicated in well-being and found to correlate with neck dysfunction syndromes. We agree, but the extent to which everyone can restore them, is debatable. We do not believe the child’s cerebral palsy condition was reversed, but behaviour and bodily function did improve significantly.