Single Subject Unpublished Case Study, Non Peer-Reviewed

Dance related postural strain and deviation of the head from anatomical neutral causing neurologically based dysfunction.


The Atlas Orthogonal Technique was used to correct poor alignment of her spine.


Patient had significant changes to her neck posture after being adjusted. See before (left side) and after x ray above. This is a side view of the “lordosis” or neck curve.

No exercises, manipulation or traction were used.

Not all of the patients I have seen with poor neck posture have shown dramatic changes on x ray, but this is another case worth noting where a child has had major changes. This is significant in that I believe we can change children more readily than adults. It may be more difficult once bone maturation has occurred.

Patient was dancer. Her posture is intimately linked to her performance. Poor function of the spine, particularly the upper cervical spine, will affect her balance, co-ordination and health, eventually.

Here are her lateral cervical radiographs indicating postural changes in lordosis (neck curve). X ray positioning was crucial and reproduced both times. The second picture (right) shows a normal “textbook” lordosis.

Specific chiropractic care can make postural changes without behavioural intervention, exercise therapy, physiotherapy or medical bracing, but is only evidenced in this single subject study which reflects many other studies.