What is Different About AO Chiropractors?

Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractors have completed basic Atlas Orthogonality certification through AO Australia or Sweat Institute USA.

Advanced certification is denoted by BCAO: Board Certified Atlas Orthogonist, via the Sweat Foundation, Atlanta GA USA. All others are Basic Proficiency Trained by AOCA

*  Lowest Force manipulation of any style (14N)
*  Analysis With Purpose to Correct Biomechanics
* SafetyFirst: Impossible to physically deform spinal tissues
* Careful diagnosis of neck problem from x ray analysis and post-graduate education
* Additional specialised certification to ‘BCAO’ from Atlanta, Georgia, USA, where indicated.
* Demonstrable benefits, otherwise appropriate referral will be made
* Approved by Sweat Institute, Atlanta, USA
* Works brilliantly with your other chiropractic AND manipulative techniques, even massage and other body work.

When it comes to your neck:
Choose only university trained, post graduate certified chiropractic doctors, or equivalent.

We successfully manage conditions related to the neuro-spinal system that may be affecting your wellbeing and health.

To locate an AO doctor in USA, Spain, Europe, go to the official USA web site

Please NOTE:
The above practitioner listings are voluntary. We do our best to ensure validity of qualifications and ethical standards, but can not be responsible for individual chiropractor’s policies and procedures.
Please check with the individual chiropractor’s practice, your local registration boards for currency of membership, and where applicable, the relevant state associations such as the