This is a pre-case report written by Dr Joe Ierano on a teen softballer with an upper cervial sublaxation. Click on the link below to read the case study on the Asia Pacific Chiropractic Journal.
Documented Case Study of a 9 year old girl with headaches and clumsiness
Documented case study of a 9 year old girl with headaches and clumsiness, what’s a mum to do next? Read on to see how AO adjustments helped.
A natural and gentle approach to migraine
Atlas orthogonal chiropractic treatments engage a gentle, minimally invasive technique which adjusts the atlas in your neck.
Debilitating back pain and your handbag
Your handbag could be the reason for your neck and back pain, and why you should have it treated.
Serious Backpack Injuries and your spine
When your backpack is too heavy, it can cause upper cervical (neck and upper back) injuries and the damage that this can do is substantial.
Why get your atlas corrected by a chiropractor?
The atlas bone is a cornerstone to your good health and wellbeing. When the atlas is out of alignment, your view of the world is very different. When this occurs for long periods of time, health problems start to emerge for which ‘there is often no good reason’ or your GP can’t find what’s wrong…